
10 Steps to Saying Yes to You in 2018

Beyond Your Chair | Jayne Morehouse

Originally printed in Texas Stylist, January 2018 edition

2018 is the year to get positive by learning when saying no means saying yes to you. Often, it’s as simple as being aware and present. Here are 10 steps to living and working toward happiness, fulfillment and success.

Say yes to delighting your clients and building your clientele by saying no to bad habits. Focus 100 percent of each appointment on your client. Don’t check your phone. Do a thorough consultation as if every guest is sitting in your chair for the first time. Then, get agreement on what your recommended services and products will cost up front and the maintenance they require. Pre-book each client’s next appointment and make sure she goes home with the products needed to maintain her style until she sees you again. If you’re building your clientele, reward her for referrals in a meaningful way.

Say yes to working on your business and creativity by saying no to packing every second of your day with clients. Start by booking out three 20-minutes boxes — not counting lunch — to work ON your business every day. If that seems like too much, book out three 20-minute slots per week to start.

Working ON your business is about growing your business, as opposed to working IN your business, which is working with clients, ordering supplies, etc. During this time, you can update your social media with images/videos you create to attract new clients, read a publication like The Stylist that’s created specifically to help you grow your business and meet with your DSC or store consultant to see what new programs and products your distributor offers that might save you money or help you work more efficiently. Network with someone you admire or someone who has already achieved something you would like to accomplish, watch a YouTube video with a new business practice or hair color technique, practice that technique on a mannequin or research which class you’d like to take next.

Say yes to keeping your work fresh by saying no to boredom and doing “the same thing as last time.” Even if you think your client isn’t open to a change, suggest options to show your professionalism, solve her challenges and get her to think about the possibilities. She just might surprise you by saying yes.

Say yes to your future financial security by saying no to practices that can lead to living on tips. Are you charging what your services are worth? Are you recommending maintenance products? Do you suggest additional services and treatments whenever you pre-book to ensure you’re allowing enough time for the next visit? Is your salon operating legally in regard to licensing, labor laws and taxes? These are all important questions to examine during your 20-minute boxes.

Say yes to education, so you can say no to self doubt. Fuel your confidence with education and practice in both technical and business techniques. Try them on a model or mannequin, and once you’re happy with the result, post your work on social media to market your services.

Say yes to meaningful human contact that feeds you and no to working in a vacuum. Even if you rent a chair or a suite, it’s important to feel the camaraderie that goes with being part of a bigger purpose. Organize a class or a speaker over breakfast for the stylists. Get together to support an important cause. Ask your DSC what local events you can attend.

Say yes to your health and all-day energy by saying no to bad habits that pop up whenever you’re rushed or stressed. Eat a healthy breakfast. Say yes to lunch, even when clients are backed up. Drink water all day. Get plenty of sleep and exercise, yoga, Pilates or meditation. After just a few days, the difference in how you feel will rock your world.

Say yes to your comfort by saying no to standing all day without the proper support. A quality salon mat and comfortable shoes are two important keys to career longevity. You can’t offer your best creativity to your clients when your back and legs hurt all day.

Say yes to human contact beyond your clients by saying no to 24/7 technology. Just because you can run your life 24-7 via a device doesn’t mean you should.

Say yes to keeping a journal. Make a list of just three things that you want to say no to in 2018. Write down the benefits of stopping those three things. Then write down how you will feel when you accomplish your goals. Check in with me and let me know how you’re doing.
