This is Day 31 since my COVID-19 symptoms started, and my body continues to heal. As I mentioned in my post describing what this experience has been like for me, one of the things that helped me most was contact with and encouragement from a fellow COVID patient. (Thank you, George!)
I imagine that I am not alone in feeling alone and scared as my lungs struggle. So, if you or anyone you know has this disease, please ask if they would like to join a support group to help them navigate this difficult, scary experience.
Together, we will:
- Learn and digest important information about the path this disease takes and the options available at each step.
- Work with the fear and stress of our experience by sharing resources that bring perspective on our lives and our shared struggle.
- Check in with each other regularly, like a flock of geese flying in formation.
I’m calling it COVID Cohorts. Each group will be about six or seven people: small enough to foster intimacy and make sure every voice is heard, large enough to provide a felt sense of shared lift–a different kind than your family and friends can provide as concerned witnesses.
If you or someone you know would like to join such a group, please leave a comment on this post so we can get connected. Be well!
View original post here by joshuaweissburg