
How to Find Your Circle of Champions

If you’re looking to be more fulfilled, healthy, and successful at work, look no further than the Career Contessa Podcast. It’s a weekly career advice podcast focused on women and work. The Relationship Power Moves episode is one of many during host Lauen McGoodwin, month-long Power Moves series for her book, Power Moves: How Women Can Pivot, Reboot, and Build a Career of Purpose.

Your relationships have the greatest impact on your contentment level. Sometimes it’s not about the work, it’s about who you’re doing it with, according to McGoodwin. This is how the “circle of champions” was coined. “The people who you know you can trust to guide you who you respect and believe in enough to invest your time in their career journey as well,” according to McGoodwin. “They are the people you admire. They have the value, ambition, work ethic, and success that align with your own.” The steps below are how you can create a circle of champions. This audit is about being intentional. If you want to be successful and fulfilled in life, this is the way!

Audit Your Life to Find Your Circle of Champions

The steps below are how you can create a circle of champions. This audit is about being intentional. If you want to be successful and fulfilled in your career, this is the way!

Step 1: It’s important to surround yourself with people who align with who you are, who you want to be, and where you see your career going. Think about the people you spend the most time with and ask yourself these questions:

  • Do these relationships align with who I am, who I want to be, and the vision I have for where I want to take my life?
  • Are there people in my orbit that I want to spend more time with but I can’t because my time is taken up by someone who is not good for me or toxic?

Step 2 – Audit your current circle of champions.

  • You want to surround yourself with optimistic people. People that challenge you to see things a different way or to help you be more optimistic will help you see something you otherwise would not have seen. People that agree with you all the time can leave you stagnated.

Step 3 – Check yourself. Are you showing up correctly for others? Can people count on you? Are you a good listener?

  • “If you are showing up for others, you will attract that,” says McGoodwin. That means being honest with yourself and others. If you can’t make it somewhere, say no. When lending an ear, listen to the other person instead of simply waiting for your turn to talk. Ultimately, it’s about being dependable and building trust with your circle. 

Your circle of champions may change as you evolve. But by practicing this audit, you’ll learn to thoughtfully let go of those you no longer share compatibility. 

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