
ShearShare CEO Dr. Tye Caldwell to speak at the yes! CEO Symposium on the rapid evolution of business

technology, business, CEO, entrepreneurship

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Tickets available here.

Consumers are driving how we do business more than ever before. Without a doubt B2B and B2C has changed. 

Is your business keeping up? 

Join us for a robust discussion with three CEO’s each with unique stories of how they’ve built their businesses to thrive in the rapid evolution of business. As always, we hope that you are inspired by each of their stories and find great ideas to grow your business.

Featured CEOs:

Dr. Tye Caldwell – ShearShare

Lisa Guichet – Innovative Prosthetics

Mike Rose – Mojo Media Labs

To learn more about these speakers, visit the YES website.


12:00 – Doors Open for Networking

12:30 – Appetizers will be Served

1:00 – Moderated Discussion with CEOs begins

4:00 – Symposium Ends and Happy Hour Begins

All attendees are invited to join us at the bar for a happy hour and networking time at 4:00.

About YES

Your Executive Symphony (YES) is an educational forum for the small and medium privately held sector. Our goal is to grow more privately held businesses and help them thrive.

There are many other groups whose primary focus is sales, marketing and networking. YES strives to create a different community – one that focuses on enabling CEOs to build relationships that foster sharing and learning from our collective experiences and knowledge.
