
Skills to Take Your Beauty or Barbering Business to the Next Level

Now that we’ve been inside for almost two weeks due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the beauty and barbering industry, like many other industries, is at a standstill. Here are 7 skills that you can strengthen during quarantine to help you take your business to the next level!

Branding Skills

  • If your brand were a person, how would someone describe him/her?
  • Do you have followers or customers? Which generates $ for you?

Social Skills

  • How do you approach a potential client?
  • Can you hold a conversation with a stranger that looks like you or experience life like you?
  • Create a list of fire conversation starters to use once social distancing is a distant memory.

Personal Skills

  • Know that your clients will reflect YOU. If you ever want to know how others see you, just take a look at your clientele. It’s like holding up a mirror.
  • Know that you will certainly attract who you already are. So take this time to look inward and work on yourself.

Building Clientele with FREE Tools

  • Do you own your client data? Or is it uploaded to someone else’s software? Spend this time of “quarantine and reset” to jot down all your client info and create a spreadsheet to keep track of all contact info, service preferences, color formulas, etc.
  • Leverage free digital tools like Google, Instagram, YouTube, a podcast, Web site, or Vlog to engage with clients and develop valuable content that will help attract new clients to you.

Creativity Skills

  • What idea have you been noodling on that you’ve wanted to implement in your business to really wow your clients? Is it new soothing music, monthly appreciation events, and mini take-home kits to help maintain the service until their next appointment? Now is the time to coordinate those big ideas so you put them to work ASAP.

Cater Your Salon for the Client

  • Take a look at your salon or shop ambiance today. Is it welcoming? Is it super clean? Do you provide beverages and/or snacks? Do you ensure a safe space regardless of ethnicity, religious views, race, sexual orientation, wealth, or status?
  • While we’re practicing social distancing, spend 10 minutes in your small business and walk through as if you were the client. Look at the space from the client’s perspective. What would you change? What would you keep the same? Take this time to edit.

Money Skills

  • Set your budget up for success. While you’re planning to do more with less, start following the 80/10/10 rule: Live/operate your business on 80% of your income, save 10% and give 10% to someone in need.
  • Reward client referrals with dollars off. Let your clients serve as your walking billboard and reward them with discounted rates when they bring you new clientele!

Is there anything you would add to the list? Comment below and share with your fellow professionals.

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