
Top 3 Business Must-Haves for Salons in 2016

Originally authored by Salon Sites, reprinted. Entire post can be found here: https://salonsites.co.uk/top-3-business-must-haves-for-salons-2016/

1.Mobile-friendly EVERYTHING

It’s official; more than half of emails are opened on mobile devices and for the first time ever, more than half of all Google searches now occur on mobile devices. A mobile-friendly website has the ability to fit into any screen size. Not only will the website appear larger or smaller on the screen, it also adjusts itself to give the visitor a better experience both visually and functionally. In addition to this, your email marketing format should be delivered in mobile-friendly form as well.As Google continues to improve its algorithms not just for search but for search on mobile devices, businesses that publish high quality content and communications which are easy for mobile readers to open, navigate, read and take the next step will find themselves moving up the google rankings.

2. Engagement

Wasting time on endless promotions and ads is never a good marketing strategy. Consumers demand transparency and want to experience brands with no boundaries. Businesses that master the art of evoking emotion and engagement among their target audience will strengthen client relationships and increase customer loyalty and word of mouth advocacy.In 2016 brands must be prepared to start conversations that have nothing to do with their services or products but everything to do with their target audience. Making your salon relatable is so important in such a saturated market. You need to be leaders, trend setters, educators and journalists, bringing information to your clients.

3. Goals and Measures

No, this isn’t the most exciting marketing technique, but it is essential for salon owners. It is easy to forget that marketing is an activity in itself and something that all business owners need to focus on. You must set yourself SMART targets and goals and keep to them. Targets need to be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and completed in a timely manner.Make time once a month to sit down and create a marketing plan. Factor in all marketing and advertising streams from posters, leaflets, emails to social media and word of mouth marketing. Be strict with yourself if something isn’t working, or you are not seeing a return on your efforts then be brave enough to try something else. Why not sign up to a local networking meetup and see how other business owners can help and inspire you? Whatever you decide to do you must be proactive and focused on your goals and targets.
