
Your Clients Will Be Looking for This When Salons + Barbershops Reopen


Whether or not they say it out loud, your clients will be super-sensitive to how you OUTWARDLY SHOW them that you’re going the extra mile to protect them and yourself. One way you can demonstrate your sanitization procedures?

Barbicide, the global leader of disinfection in the professional beauty and barbering industry is offering a free Back-to-Work Plan for life after COVID-19! This plan of action includes checklists prior to reopening your salon, barbershop, or spa along with ongoing safety actions to reassure your clients that they are always receiving a safe service in your chair. Print it off and share it with your colleagues. (Did we mention this was FREE?) Heck, we’d even recommend putting it in your window so that even passersby and your current clients can see before they even open the door. 

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